Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Life as a blur

I apologize for the lack of posts here lately.  I have been (and still am) on the mainland helping to care for family.

Be it for better or worse, life goes on, even in paradise.  But one thing that remains true no matter where you are is that life is what we make it.  I received a very somber reminder of that fact when I was witness to a family being told that their loved one would not make it through a long and complicated medical bout.  Later that day while in line at the hospital cafeteria, a clerk cheerfully asked the man in front of me how his day was going and he replied in a rather dour tone "it's just another day."  I thought about the family and their mother, and that for them it was anything but 'just another day.'  As it turned out, she did make it through and is now progressing with promise, but the juxtaposition of those taking life for granted and those pouring their entire soul into making it through one more day will forever serve as catalyst to continue to live life fully and with gratitude.

And through this arduous time I have discovered that although Hawaii is where Gail and I live and call home, we have come to realize that home per se is not limited to a physical location, but rather, it is where your heart is.  The love and support that we have been so privileged to experience has expanded our view to know that in any one moment, in any one place, we can experience home.

As always, take care and enjoy,
- Mahalo