Monday, January 20, 2014

Goodbye country life...Hell-o condo living

We have since moved from the safari tent that we had been staying in for the past 14 days and taken up residency in a resort condominium.  A strange turn to be sure.  But the thing is, for better or worse, we planned it this way.  One reason being the limited availability of places to stay on such short notice, coupled with an even shorter length of stay, and add to that a very reasonable cost.  Also, we wanted to gauge our bohemian off-grid experience while enjoying the comforts afforded mainstream life.

Why, you may ask?

One thing that Gail and I wanted to do with this move is to live deliberately.  What that means for us is that we want a slower-paced life, one that requires more interaction with the day to day tasks, and do things that truly make a difference - rather for the sake of just doing them.  We want to become more conscientious in our choices of what we pursue and really sift through our reasons for those choices.

Now, we understand that a lot of people won't get it and we're ok with that, but for us it's the right thing to do.  So how does it feel being back amongst the conventional, with all the luxuries one could want?  

In a word...ack!

We miss the tranquillity of the countryside, the language of birds, feeling the coolness of the trade-winds, and the openness of the tent and cooking in the outdoor kitchen.  We miss Blackie and Speckles (Scott and Melissa's chickens) and watching the goats graze on the hillside, or hearing the nerve-chilling call of peacocks in the dead of night.  We miss listening to the rain fall around us, and the freshly-washed scent that permeates the forest after the rains move on.  We miss watching the moon cross the sky from horizon to horizon, and greeting the first light of day. 

But for me, I miss most the feeling of being a part of something bigger than myself.

Was it all peaches and cream?  Of course not, but for us the good far outweighed any inconvenience or minor hardships we experienced. And in the end, this little exercise in the juxtaposition of the different lifestyles confirms our original intent - we welcome a life of simplicity and deliberateness.

Take care and enjoy, 

- Mahalo  


  1. Beautiful reflections along your journey, with stunning photos to resonate the experiences. Lookin' good and having good fun!!

    1. Aloha! Thank you for the encouraging words, Julie. It's very nice to have you here. You know, I'll be looking for you to keep me honest in my posts now. : ) Hey, how about you doing some posts on the family and our history?

      Take care and give our best to everyone. Love you all!

  2. Hi Stephen. I am friends with Jodee, who referred me to your blog since it is also my dream to relocate to Hawaii one day. Hope you don't mind me following along on your journey. Enjoy your adventure!

    1. E komo mai, Ellen. Thank you for joining us. Many were the times spent with Jodee and Mike talking about the move and our mutual love of the Islands. It is an amazing adventure for sure!
      Please do not hesitate to let us know if there is anything we can help you with in pursuit of your dream.
      Take care and enjoy,

  3. Each of your posts brings us a teeny bit closer to our own date with destiny...our big move back home to the aina. Can't wait to begin our own adventure, your words bring peace to the uneasiness of the change that is coming. Keep sharing, thanks for making it real. Aloha, Laura Rosa

    1. Mahalo for your kind words, Laura. My hope for this format is to encourage, entertain and educate people about what is involved in making a move like ours. Of course, circumstances will differ but there will also be common threads that everyone will be able to relate to.

      With it taking 4 years to get here, we know about 'the wait.' It seems so far into the future, but then the next day you're boarding the plane and it really is happening. I hope to continue to provide you with moments that bring calm, and stirs your Hawaiian soul.

      Take care and enjoy,
      - Stephen

  4. These photos are un-freakin-believable!!! Like WOAH!!!

    I'm loving the blog, Stephen! You're a great writer! I love your view of the world!

    I miss you!


    1. PBCups, thank you! Your comments mean a great deal to me. I enjoy photography and writing and although I am a novice at both endeavors, they have grown into wonderful and creative outlets for me. It is very nice to know that you and others find my pursuits entertaining as well. It is greatly appreciated!

      Take care of yourself (and T!) and enjoy,
      - Stephen

    2. Country life. Yeah. When we live in the city, we'll miss the fresh air in the province. Anyway, have a visit to my blog- living at condominiums.:D
