Saturday, February 15, 2014

A post for Pop

When Vince and I came to the islands in May of last year, mom and pop took me to Shiro's in Waimalu for sushi. 

Now, we were raised on maki sushi, or what we called black sushi, and mom makes the best.  She always has, and she always will, but…I have to say that Shiro's is very, very good.  It is so good, in fact, that pop doesn't even put soy sauce on these, and this is a man who brings his own bottle of soy sauce wherever he goes (for reals)!  

Like mom, Shiro's uses tuna (instead of raw fish), fishcake and egg.  Simple and perfect!  Mom learned to make these from her mom as this particular type of tuna-filled sushi evolved from plantation workers (mom's family lived in plantation housing as Grandpa Manuel worked for one).  During the day the workers brought their lunches out to the fields with them and they needed food that didn't require refrigeration.  They were inexpensive to make (as money was very tight), easy to eat, compact, and they stayed fresh.

It's funny, but we consider this type of sushi a comfort food, much like mac and cheese, or meatloaf is for others. In fact, even to this day whenever we go to mom and pop's house to visit, the first thing we ask is if mom made black rolls, and the kids even have their own special rolls that mom makes for just them.  

They are that good!

Needless to say that since we arrived here, I have been raving about Shiro's.  So, the other day we made a special trip to get some.  Gail and I snapped up the last two rolls that they had and went to the park across the street and we got down with those 'ono kine grindz.'  It was as good as I remembered, and when I looked over at Gail, I knew she was hooked too.

If you enjoy planation-style maki sushi, or have a desire to try some, and you find yourself on Oahu, you owe it to yourself to stop by Shiro's. 

But go early 'cause the black sushi goes fast!

Take care and enjoy,
- Mahalo

PS. Pop, thanks for the tip!  The sushi is on me when you come over in June. 


  1. Steven, I love your posts. Your pictures are great and your writing grabs me. I look forward to every new post. Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks Mike, I'm glad you are enjoying the blog. Gail and I are still just so in awe here and it just keeps getting better (is that even possible?)! Of course, we do miss you guys (and the kids) a lot, but knowing that you are keeping up with what is going on helps lessens the sting a little bit - that, and knowing we'll be seeing you here next Fall! : ) Love you guys, and please give our best to everyone for us!
